Wednesday 26 February 2014

Can you help?

I am posting this request for assitance in the hope that it will get to a wider audience than just recipients of our school newsletter.

At last we are ready to start kitchen and garden classes! For the next two weeks our menu will be:


Pizza of the Imagination

Pasta with a Herb and Tomato Sauce

Potato Salad

Honeyed Carrots

Mini Frittatas


Reasons for selecting these items:

·         Seasonality and availability in our garden

·         Popularity

·         Recipes that allow for lots of student participation

This year we will be operating slightly differently as we no longer have Michael Cook to assist us in the garden and I will not have a teacher assistant in the kitchen.  I am therefore looking for lots of assistance!!  If you, your family or friends can help in any of the following ways I will be very grateful:

·         General garden work  - single days/hours or a regular visit

·         Assistance in the kitchen -  any time between 9.00 and 2.00 to assist with preparation prior to the class, participation in the class, eating with the staff and students, washing up

·         Assistance in the garden class – working with the students between 9.30 and 10.30 in the garden

·         Donation of seedlings – any vegetable seedlings please, we need lots to plant right now

·         Donation of hay – I need about 4 bales of hay per term for the chickens and mulch

·         Donation of a dehydrator

If you can assist with any of these things please send me a message through school or email me at .



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