Wednesday 21 November 2012

A Middle Eastern and Italian Week

Our menu this week had a Middle Eastern and also an Italian influence:
Italian Vegetable Stew
Warm Cinnamon Apples with Yoghourt

We had a lot of parsley in our garden so the tabbouleh seemed an obvious choice; and this led to the thought of introducing our students to falafel. The tabbouleh required students to do a lot of chopping of cucumber, onions, tomatoes and parsley – great practice for knife handling skill development.

Regina and Nick chopping cucumber

Shannon stirring the tabbouleh

We were able to harvest rosemary for the polenta – a new food for many of our students and staff, but very popular.

spreading the polenta

Jobe admiring the polenta

Jobe eating the polenta

Cameron removes the leaves from the rosemary

Ellen stirring the cheese and butter into the polenta

Jo and Tash enjoying the polenta

Riley enjoyed his dairy free version of polenta

Nick placed the polenta onto serving platters

Riley grated the cheese for the polenta

The Italian Vegetable Stew (whose true name is Ciambotta!) allowed us to use a very wide variety of vegetables including peas, beans, celery, parsley, onions, swede, turnip, asparagus, capsicum, zucchini, garlic and tomatoes.

Falafel was also a new taste for our students and was a big winner. We decided to use a packet mix for the falafel on this occasion, but might attempt to cook it from scratch next time.

Darcy placed the falafel into serving bowls

We had been given a lot of apples so once again returned to an old favourite of ‘Warm Cinnamon Apples’ – using the apple machine was as popular as ever!

Jobe grated nutmeg for the apple dish

Rochelle peeled, cored and sliced the apples

Jobe enjoyed using the apple machine

Ryan enjoyed using the apple machine

In the garden we have been planting seedlings. We planted corn, squash and runner beans using an ancient Native American method called “The Three Sisters”. According to Iroquois legend, corn, beans and squash are three inseparable sisters who only grow and thrive together. This system has much to recommend it – the corn provides a natural pole for the beans to climb, bean roots add nitrogen to the soil and help to stabilize the corn plants and the squash vines become a living mulch, shading emerging weeds and preventing soil moisture from evaporating, and also their spiny stalks help to discourage predators from approaching the corn and beans. The three vegetables also complement each other nutritionally – corn providing carbohydrates, beans being rich in protein and squash providing vitamins.

Frank, Annette and Rochelle planted the beans, corn and squash

The Three Sisters Bed

In the garden activities such as watering, weather recording and composting were completed and also we gave one of our scarecrows a ‘makeover’!
Jackson harvested celery

Josh checked the rain gauage

Jo added vegetable waste to the compost bin

Ellen gave the scarecrow a makeover

Darcy and Sharni watered the potatoes

Cameron transported some soil

Jackson emptied the compost bin

Ryan watered our giant pumpkins

Josh completed the weather board

Classes are now regularly using the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program Interactive Whiteboard Activity to find out about the week’s menu and recipes.

Bradley tried to find the foods to be cooked this week - they were hidden behind the boxes.

Mitchell found out what was behind the question mark boxes - either one of the foods we would be cooking or something that we wouldn't want to cook like a frog, spider or fly!
Next week we will be cooking:
Roasted Turnips filled with Spicy Rice
Potato and Rosemary Pizza
Leafy Green Salad
Honey Fruit Salad
And just in case you are wondering what we look like:



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